qSTAR MicroRNA Template Standards

OriGene offers: over 1100 miRNA template standards for human and mouse transcripts, packaged with corresponding miRNA primer pair. Each template standard is of the highest purity and can be used to quantify SYBR Green qPCR experiments.

Features & Benefits:

  • As a positive control in miRNA detection using SYBR Green qPCR
  • Designed to function in OriGene’s miRNA detection system
  • Determine the absolute transcript copy number of an experiment sample using the standard curve method
  • Generate a standard curve to determine PCR efficiency in a comparative Ct method

Epression Intro

qPCR image

Required Component with MicroRNA Template Standards-- First-strand cDNA Synthesis Kit

Catalog No. Description
HK3xxxxx or MK3xxxxx Lyophilized, miRNA template standard (500 million gene copies, double-stranded DNA, 100 reactions), and corresponding miRNA primer pair (200 rxn at 25 ul per rxn) for use in SYBR Green qPCR experiment

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