Custom Lentivirus Production Services
OriGene offers genome-wide Lenti-ORF and Lenti-shRNA products including lentiviral plasmids and lentiviral particles. To further satisfy gene delivery needs, we also offer custom lentiviral cloning and lentiviral production services, including small and large-scale production for both in vitro and in-vivo animal studies. With over 25 years of experience, OriGene remains one of the global leaders in lentiviral packaging.
How does the service work?
Send us your plasmid with the insert
Provide us with a gene sequence and choose your desired lenti vector
Select your desired titer: 107 – 1010 TU/mL
Get your Lentiviral Particles in 2-3 weeks
Select a clone from our large library and choose your desired lenti vector
Note: OriGene's lentiviral system has been rigorously tested the DNA requirement
OriGene's lentiviral system has been rigorously tested
Lentivirus, GFP or GFP tagged ORF, were used to transduce HT1080. Fluorescent images were taken 7 days post transduction.
293T cells were transduced with LentiORF particles at 5 MOI. Particles were produced using Lenti-vpak packaging kit (
). Cells were harvested 72 hours post transduction. Western-blot was performed using anti-DDK (cat# ).