siRNA (27-mer): A Potent Mechanism for Gene Silencing

Trilencer-27 siRNA kits contain Dicer-Substrate duplexes that provide two critical improvements over the use of traditional 21mer siRNA designs. It takes advantage of the natural processing by Dicer to produce 10-fold higher potency and specificity than shorter 21-mer siRNA forms. The 27-mer duplexes also evade mammalian interferon response when expressed in mammalian cells and initiate strong and specific gene silencing. Learn more about Dicer-Substrate technology in this Nature Publication .

Key Features and Benefits

  • Genome wide coverage against human, mouse and rat genes: view citations
  • 27mer Dicer-substrate duplex : higher potency & minimal interferon response

Guaranteed gene knockdown (≥70%)

Guarantee statement:

OriGene guarantees that at least two of the three Dicer-Substrate duplexes in the kit will provide at least 70% or more knockdown of the target mRNA, when the following are true:

  • The dicer-substrate duplexes are used at 10 nM concentration by quantitative RT-PCR
  • The TYE-563 fluorescent transfection control duplex (cat# [SR30002]) indicates that >90% of the cells have been transfected
  • The HPRT positive control (cat# [SR30003]) provides 90% knockdown efficiency.

Each of our siRNA products come as a kit. It contains 3 unique 27mer siRNA duplexes (2 nmol each), one negative control and one buffer. Each gene specific siRNA is labeled as the kit catalog number plus a/b/c. For example:


Kit Catalog Kit Component
  • 3 gene specific siRNAs : SRxxxxxxA, SRxxxxxxB, SRxxxxxxC
  • SR30004, Trilencer-27 Universal Scrambled Negative Control siRNA Duplex - 2 nmol
  • SR30005, RNAse free siRNA Duplex Resuspension Buffer - 2 ml

Bulk Order Options

If you purchased our kits and already know which one works best for your gene, you can order this single siRNA in bulk by submitting a bulk request form. Each 10 nmol of single siRNA duplex is charged for $375. Delivery time is around 2 weeks.

Additional Products You May Need

SKU Description Availability Data Sheet
SR30002 Trilencer-27 Fluorescent-labeled transfection control siRNA duplex - 1 nmol In Stock
SR30003 Trilencer-27 HPRT Positive control siRNA duplex - 1 nmol In Stock
SR30004 Trilencer-27 Universal scrambled negative control siRNA duplex - 2 nmol In Stock
SR30005 RNAse free siRNA duplex re-suspension buffer (2ml) In Stock
TT320001 SiTran2.0: Transfection reagent designed for RNAi duplex (0.5 ml) In Stock

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Recent Citations using our siRNA Oligo Duplexes

1 The ABL-MYC axis controls WIPI1-enhanced autophagy in lifespan extension

Published in Communications Biology , using SR30003

PubMed: 37620393

2 Mitochondrial cytochrome P450 1B1 is involved in pregnenolone synthesis in human brain cells

Published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry , using SR301124

PubMed: 37442234

3 AQP3-Dependent PI3K/Akt Modulation in Breast Cancer Cells.

Published in International journal of molecular sciences , using SR300258

PubMed: 37175840

See All »

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