Competent Cells

OriGene’s choice for in-house transformation of DNA…now available to our customers

OriGene’ competent cells has been used for cloning & transformation of our major plasmid products such as TrueORF cDNA clones, HuSH-29 shRNA & MicroRNA expression plasmids.

Kit components:

  • Chemically competent cells
  • Positive Control DNA - pUC19 (50pg/μl, 25μl)
  • SOC medium – 20ml


  • lacZ marker for blue/white color screening
  • Transformation of cloned DNA into bacterial cells
  • Ideal for subcloning and generating cDNA libraries
SKU Description Datasheet
CC100003 Chemically Competent DH5α Cells (5 x 200 ul)
CC100004 Chemically Competent DH10β Cells (5 x 200 ul)