Stable Cell Lines in Double Knockdown Experiment

OriGene’s GFP-Blasticidin vector is designed to shuttle shRNA cassette from any of OriGene’s standard vectors. The same features that are available in our standard vectors are also available in pGFP-B-RS with a difference of an alternative mammalian selection marker. The vector is ideal for researchers who want to perform double knockdown experiments and create stable cell lines with both shRNA integrated. While generating stable cells, the blasticidin selection in pGFP-B-RS vector can be combined with puromycin selection in pRFP-C-RS vector to select for cells with both shRNA incorporated

Catalog No. Description Data Sheet Sequence
TR30018 HuSH shRNA GFP Cloning Vector (pGFP-B-RS) 5 ug


To order your gene-specific shRNA pre-cloned into pGFP-B-RS, visit exact shRNA service. The cloning vector can be chosen on the custom request form through the drop-down menu under the tab ‘Expression vector’.

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