qPCR Template Standards | 18,000+ Gene-Specific qPCR Template Standards
OriGene offers: over 18,000 gene specific qPCR template standards for human or mouse transcripts, packaged with corresponding gene specific primer pair. All are prepared from our extensive TrueClone full length cDNA collection. Each standard is of the highest purity and has been precisely quantified using PicoGreen.
- As a positive control in all qPCR methods (probe and SYBR Green)
- Determine the absolute transcript copy number of an experiment sample using the standard curve method
- Generate a standard curve to determine PCR efficiency in a comparative Ct method
Catalog No. | Description |
HKxxxxxx or MKxxxxxx | Lyophilized, gene specific qPCR template standard (500 million gene copies, double-stranded DNA, 100 reactions), and corresponding gene specific primer pair (200 rxn at 25 ul per rxn) for use in qPCR experiment |
To search for qPCR standard, type Gene Name, Symbol, Accession Number or Keyword in the box and click "GO". If you do not find the qPCR standard for your gene, please contact our Technical Support for help.