ORFs cloned in this vector will be expressed in mammalian cells as a tagged protein with a C-terminal mRFP (monomeric) tag.
mRFP is a monomeric red (orange) fluorescent protein generated from the wild-type RFP from sea anemone Entacmaea quadricolor. It possesses bright fluorescence with excitation/emission maxima at 555 and 584 nm, respectively. mRFP is about three times brighter than mCherry protein, which makes it the brightest monomeric red fluorescent protein available so far. mRFP is mainly intended for protein labeling and FRET applications. It can also be used for cell and organelle labeling and for tracking the promoter activity.
If the C-terminal tagging interferes with the protein’s function, you can choose the N-terminal mRFP-tagging vector, PS100049.
V2_F Primer can be used to sequence the target sequence after cloning.
RFP_R Primer can be used to sequence the target sequence after cloning.
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