Vector Citations

OriGene products have been used extensively by scientists worldwide to improve their research efficiency. For your reference, we have collected a representation of citations for selected OriGene products and posted them at this site.

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Here are some of the recent papers making use of OriGene products by fellow researchers.

Target Research Paper Journal Product SKU
TR30007 Identifikation und Charakterisierung neuer frühdiagnostischer Biomarker für das rezidivierende Prostatakarzinom Thesis, 2014 Jan Vector PS100020
Transfection Suppression of the FOXM1 transcriptional programme via novel small molecule inhibition Nat Commun, 2014 Nov Vector PS100029
Transfection Fe65 Ser228 is Phosphorylated by ATM/ATR and Inhibits Fe65-APP-Mediated Gene Transcription Biochem. J., 2014 Nov Vector PS100048
Transfection Differential activation of human constitutive androstane receptor and its SV23 and SV24 splice variants by rilpivirine and etravirine Br. J. Pharmacol., 2014 Nov Vector PCMV6XL4
TrueClone MicroRNA-940 suppresses prostate cancer migration and invasion by regulating MIEN1 Mol. Cancer, 2014 Nov Vector PS100062
TrueClone Differential activation of human constitutive androstane receptor and its SV23 and SV24 splice variants by rilpivirine and etravirine Br. J. Pharmacol., 2014 Nov Vector PCMV6NEO
TXNDC5 Endoplasmic reticulum protein ERp46 in prostate adenocarcinoma Oncol Lett, 2017 May Vector TG300717