Tissue Microarray (TMA)

Quality tissue arrays for your high-throughput molecular analysis

Tissue microarrays (TMAs) are created from high-quality tissue samples from the OriGene Tissue Biorepository, a growing collection of over >140,000 tissue samples, molecular derivatives, and associated clinical data that represent hundreds of pathology diagnoses.

Our high-quality tumor progression TMAs are produced using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples.

TMA Image

  • Collected under the highest bioethical guidelines using strict IRB-approved protocols from accredited medical institutions in the US.
  • Tissue samples were tracked and maintained in a rigorously monitored environment, using a sophisticated automated biospecimen management software
  • Sample cores selected by board-certified pathologists.
  • TMA Datasheet/Map includes H&E images and detailed pathology reports with histological subtypes, and TNM staging.
  • Fully qualified for IHC analysis and suitable for in situ hybridization (ISH) analysis.

Try TissueScan™ cDNA Arrays for qPCR to generate gene expression data for hundreds of tissues in only a few hours!

Item Catalog # Specifications Clinical Data TMA Map
Ovarian Cancer Tissue Microarray CT565862 FFPE, 50 x 1 mm cores, 40 tumors and 10 normals
Kidney Cancer Tissue Microarray CT565866 FFPE, 50 x 1 mm cores, 40 tumors and 10 normals
Normal Tissue Microarray CT565860 FFPE, 32 x 1 mm cores, covering 20 different tissues (5 um section x 1 slide)

The following TMAs were specifically designed to match OriGene TissueScan cancer first-strand cDNA arrays. Use our TissueScan qPCR arrays to reveal gene expression profiles across disease stages, while also assessing expression of proteins with our matched TMAs below.

TMA matched to OriGene TissueScan qPCR panels Catalog #  
Ovarian Cancer Tissue Microarray matched to TissueScan qPCR array HORT101 CT565856 FFPE, 48 x 1 mm cores (41 tumors and 7 normals)

How To Order

Click on the TMA Item above and add to cart, OR you may send along your order with detailed shipping and billing information using the following:

Each sample is of limited quantity. They are available on first-come-first-serve basis.

For questions or inquiries regarding our TMAs, please contact us:

Terms and Conditions

Please read carefully the terms and conditions before you purchase these products.

Tissue Resources