IHC Blocking Buffers, Diluents and Other Reagents


  • PreBlock contain 10% normal goat serum to block non-specific binding
  • Protein Block is a serum free universal blocking reagent for reducing non-specific binding
Cat No. Name Size(s)
B11-500 10xTBS-T 500mL
B21-100 TEE HIER Buffer pH9.0 (20x) 100ml
E07-100 / E07-18 PreBlock Kit 100ml / 18ml
E07-500 PreBlock Kit 500ml
E08-100 / E08-18 Avidin/Biotin Block Kit 100ml / 18ml
E09-300 Antibody Diluent 300ml Kit 60mL x 5
E09-500 Antibody Diluent 500ml Kit 500ml
E10-18 Isotype Control for Mouse Antibody 18ml
E11-18 Isotype Control for Rabbit Antibody 18ml
E17-100 / E17-18 Protein Block Kit 100ml / 18ml
E27-100 / E27-18 Normal Donkey Serum Blocking Buffer 100ml / 18ml
E31-100 / E31-18 Normal Mouse Serum Blocking Buffer 100ml / 18ml
E33-100 / E33-18 Normal Rabbit Serum Blocking Buffer 100ml / 18ml
E36-100 / E36-18 Klear Dual Enzyme Block 100ml / 18ml
E41-100 / E41-18 Peroxidase Block 100ml / 18ml
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