TissueFocus Frozen and FFPE Blocks

OriGene’s high quality tissues are banked under strict and rigorous collection protocols to ensure that frozen tissue is not allowed to thaw during the cutting, storing and shipping processes. Each block undergoes rigorous quality control to produce well characterized, clinically annotated tissues needed for critical experiments. All tissue blocks are pathologist reviewed and the cellularity of the sample is clearly described.

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TissueFocus Offering

140,000 tissues are available in formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded OR frozen, OCT-embedded formats. All blocks are shipped complete with pathology verification data, clinical annotation (including patient age, gender, AJCC TNM data and minimum stage grouping), abstracted pathology reports and digital H&E images of the source block for both the FFPE and Frozen formats.

To search for RNA, DNA, protein and tissue sections, click here: TissueFocus™ Search Tool

Catalog No. Description Price
Varies Pathologist verified human tissue in either frozen or FFPE format. Each block is approximately a 5 mm cube. Tissue sample dimensions may vary. $550 ~ $825

The following are examples of our highly characterized, pre-selected cancer tissues. More tissue types and patient samples are available, including non-neoplastic and normal tissues. Contact us for more information:

  • Lung - Frozen Tissue Blocks - New!
  • Lung - FFPE Tissue Blocks - New!
  • Normal - Over 400 Frozen Normal Tissue Blocks - New!
  • Normal - Over 300 FFPE Normal Tissue Blocks - New 2023!
  • Colon - Over 300 frozen cancer and normal blocks
  • Crohns/Colitis - Over 150 FFPE & frozen blocks of Crohns & Ulcerative Colitis
  • Crohns/Colitis FFPE - Additional listing of FFPE blocks
  • Breast - Over 100 frozen and normal blocks
  • Breast Cancer - FFPE Blocks available
  • Ovarian Cancer - FFPE and Frozen Blocks with H&E images
  • Melanoma - Frozen blocks available
  • Melanoma - FFPE blocks available
  • Lymphoma - Over 100 FFPE & Frozen Tumor blocks
  • Kidney - Over 350 FFPE & frozen blocks of Kidney Cancer & Normal - New!

How To Order

Send your order along with your detailed shipping and billing information using the following contact information: Each sample is of limited quantity. They are available on first-come-first-serve basis.

Terms and Conditions

Please read carefully the terms and conditions before you purchase these products.