Tissue Search

RNA, DNA, Protein & Sections from Human Tissue
Human Tissue Source
Over 140,000 human tissue samples have been collected from U.S. medical centers using the industry's strict ethical requirements and IRB protocols. The diagnosis of every tissue sample has been verified by an independent board-certified pathologist. All samples are maintained in a low-traffic, temperature-controlled environment. Every tissue block is bar-coded to ensure linkage to tracking and donor data maintained in a large normalized database.

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RNA, DNA, Protein & Sections from Human Tissue

Tissue total RNA and genomic DNA
Samples were derived from our high quality frozen tissues after rigorous QC testing. Agilent Bioanalyzer 28S/18S ratio, Electropherogram, A260/A280 ratio and PCR images available upon request. Samples are offered in 5 ug aliquots.

Tissue Protein Lysate
Protein lysates were generated using a Modified RIPA buffer (no SDS) in the presence of protease and phosphatase inhibitors. Protein quantification is performed using the BCA Protein Assay. Samples are offered in 150 ug aliquots.

Tissue Sections
Frozen and FFPE tissue sections can be used for various applications such as IHC and ISH. Each section is freshly cut onto a SuperFrost positively charged glass slide, and offered as a set of 5 slides (each 5 micron thickness).

* Over 30,000 pathologist-verified samples are available for online searching!

* For multi-sample listings, click on buttons below.

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Matched Tumor/Normal Pairs: Total RNA          Genomic DNA

Total RNA Genomic DNA Protein Lysate Frozen Section FFPE Section

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Terms and Conditions
Please read carefully the terms and conditions before you purchase these products.
Each sample is of limited quantity. They are available on first-come-first-serve basis.