TRPM8 (NM_024080) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone

Lenti ORF clone of Human transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 (TRPM8), Myc-DDK-tagged
  • LentiORF®

    Expression-ready ORF plasmid in lenti backbone

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Product Data
Target Symbol TRPM8
Synonyms LTrpC-6; LTRPC6; trp-p8; TRPP8
Vector pLenti-C-Myc-DDK-P2A-Puro
E. coli Selection Chl (34 ug/mL)
Mammalian Cell Selection Puromycin
Sequence Data
ORF Nucleotide Sequence
The ORF insert of this clone is exactly the same as(RC220615).
Restriction Sites SgfI-MluI Cloning Scheme for this gene Plasmid Map
ACCN NM_024080
ORF Size 3312 bp
OTI Disclaimer The molecular sequence of this clone aligns with the gene accession number as a point of reference only. However, individual transcript sequences of the same gene can differ through naturally occurring variations (e.g. polymorphisms), each with its own valid existence. This clone is substantially in agreement with the reference, but a complete review of all prevailing variants is recommended prior to use. More info
OTI Annotation This clone was engineered to express the complete ORF with an expression tag. Expression varies depending on the nature of the gene.
Components The ORF clone is ion-exchange column purified and shipped in a 2D barcoded Matrix tube containing 10ug of transfection-ready, dried plasmid DNA (reconstitute with 100 ul of water).
Reconstitution Method 1. Centrifuge at 5,000xg for 5min.
2. Carefully open the tube and add 100ul of sterile water to dissolve the DNA.
3. Close the tube and incubate for 10 minutes at room temperature.
4. Briefly vortex the tube and then do a quick spin (less than 5000xg) to concentrate the liquid at the bottom.
5. Store the suspended plasmid at -20°C. The DNA is stable for at least one year from date of shipping when stored at -20°C.
Note Plasmids are not sterile.  For experiments where strict sterility is required, filtration with 0.22um filter is required.
Shipping Ambient
Reference Data
RefSeq NM_024080.3
RefSeq Size 5674 bp
RefSeq ORF 3315 bp
Locus ID 79054
UniProt ID Q7Z2W7
Cytogenetics 2q37.1
Domains ion_trans
Protein Families Druggable Genome, Ion Channels: Transient receptor potential, Transmembrane
MW 127.5 kDa
Summary Receptor-activated non-selective cation channel involved in detection of sensations such as coolness, by being activated by cold temperature below 25 degrees Celsius. Activated by icilin, eucalyptol, menthol, cold and modulation of intracellular pH. Involved in menthol sensation. Permeable for monovalent cations sodium, potassium, and cesium and divalent cation calcium. Temperature sensing is tightly linked to voltage-dependent gating. Activated upon depolarization, changes in temperature resulting in graded shifts of its voltage-dependent activation curves. The chemical agonist menthol functions as a gating modifier, shifting activation curves towards physiological membrane potentials. Temperature sensitivity arises from a tenfold difference in the activation energies associated with voltage-dependent opening and closing. In prostate cancer cells, shows strong inward rectification and high calcium selectivity in contrast to its behavior in normal cells which is characterized by outward rectification and poor cationic selectivity. Plays a role in prostate cancer cell migration (PubMed:25559186). Isoform 2 and isoform 3 negatively regulate menthol- and cold-induced channel activity by stabilizing the closed state of the channel.[UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Function]
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SKU Description Size Price
RC220615 TRPM8 (Myc-DDK-tagged)-Human transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 (TRPM8) 10 ug
RC220615L1 Lenti ORF clone of Human transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 (TRPM8), Myc-DDK-tagged 10 ug
RC220615L2 Lenti ORF clone of Human transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 (TRPM8), mGFP tagged 10 ug
RC220615L4 Lenti ORF clone of Human transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 (TRPM8), mGFP tagged 10 ug
RG220615 TRPM8 (tGFP-tagged) - Human transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 (TRPM8) 10 ug
$789.00 MSRP $1,161.00 MSRP $1,161.00
SC112270 TRPM8 (untagged)-Human transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 (TRPM8) 10 ug


*Delivery time may vary from web posted schedule. Occasional delays may occur due to unforeseen complexities in the preparation of your product. International customers may expect an additional 1-2 weeks in shipping.